I have always felt that every human being has a purpose in life. Each one of us is capable of contributing something great to this universe. We are blessed with plenty and the best one is, “ The Gift Of Time” Each one of us is blessed equally on that, 24 hours, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Yet some continuously improve, reach great heights contrary to the ones who are almost stagnant. And often what we hear from them is, “Where is the time?”
The double edged sword technology is partly a reason for swallowing our precious time. The next big reason I saw was the confusion of being worn out. We’ve got to identify that are we mentally drained or physically fatigued. In most cases we are high on physical energy in the mornings and so many suggest that the best time to workout is the moment you wake up. By noon or lunch time, you have that moment of so called sluggishness. So what do you think we usually do at that lethargic second? Read news feeds, check emails, scroll down celebrity gossips and pretty much I would say pass time consuming junk information.
Here is where we’ve got to power up ourselves. When you are physically exhausted, try reading a book or listen to an audible. Engage into music or art. When you are certainly not in a mood to tax your brain then just move around and get things done. Play sports or do the yard work which will burn that stored energy in you. Sometimes the guilt of wasting time made me do stuff at the wrong time. We push ourselves to just keep working and finish tasks. Instead try allotting them into an individual slot. Make use of your downtime wisely, we can’t control what's happening when we are at work or during childcare for instance. But we can certainly make use of our travel time, break time and other miscellaneous hours that we own. The thumb rule is, ask yourself often that are you making this minute useful? And if the answer is no, then switch immediately.
So what happens when you are both physically & mentally exhausted? You sleep! Yes, sleep is overrated sometimes, but the truth is you need sleep if you doze off within 3-5 minutes of shutting your eyes. And practically speaking, when you feel that you are dead tired after all that hard day of work, your mind is still open for some book reading or do something that you love before hitting the sack. The result is, you are far less fatigued when you feel full in terms of accomplishing tasks and doing things that makes your heart happy.
The book “ The Gifts Of Imperfection” by Dr.Brene Brown reinforced my belief that you need not be perfect, you just have to do your best in your given circumstances. So with that positive note I invite each one of you to make use of your gift, “ The Gift Of Time” that would make you and the world around you to be in a better place.
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